LANMA has comprehensive design and construction experience in architecture, interior design and planning, as well as projects including electromechanical HVAC, garden landscape, lighting and lighting, environmental acoustics, soft furnishing customization, etc. It is able to provide customers with decoration design and construction general contracting services across the industry. During the project implementation process, through seamless connection and cooperation between various professions, it provides customers with a complete one-stop design and construction solution.
+ 办公室 I 综合写字楼
Office I Comprehensive office building
+ 展厅 I 厂房 I 实验室
Showroom I Workshop I Laboratory
+ 别墅 I 住宅空间
Villa I Residential space
+ 酒店 I 餐饮
Hotels I Catering
+ 健康养护中心 I 医疗机构
Health maintenance center I Medical institution
+ 美业连锁 I 水疗SPA
Beauty industry chain I SPA
+ 商业零售空间 I 专卖店
Retail space I Retail store
+ 艺术沙龙 I 茶文化空间
Art Salon I Tea Culture Space
In different types of space forms, environment and function always regulate people's behavior, but works with profound implications will transform this behavior to trigger the interaction and exchange between people and things, feel the charm of the environment in perception and thinking transmission, and burst out the long-term value of space aesthetics and emotion.
+ 空调系统
Air conditioning system
+ 消防工程
Fire Engineering
+ 通排风系统
Ventilation system
+ 民用及工业电气系统
Civil and industrial electrical systems
+ 智能化弱电布线
Intelligent weak current wiring
+ 地暖系统
Floor heating system
+ 给排水工程
Water supply and drainage engineering
Mechanical and electrical design is a very important part of the renovation process. The concept of integrated mechanical and electrical systems is embedded in the complete implementation process of the project, with a professional modular design scheme that enhances human-machine efficiency and reflects the overall advantages of the project.
+ 日式枯山水 I 主题花园
Japanese style dry landscape I Theme Garden
+ 禅意微景观 I 造型布景
Zen micro landscape I Modeling scenery
+ 生态景观规划
Ecological landscape planning
The rich formal language has been drawn from modern art. Each artistic trend and form provides a referential expression for the theme of landscape design. Landscape design needs to be integrated into the environment and recreated for the purpose of realizing the artistic and ornamental functions from the aesthetic point of view
+ 空间氛围灯光
Space atmosphere lighting
+ 建筑照明设计
Architectural lighting design
+ 文旅主题亮化
Cultural tourism theme lighting
+ 超大型艺术灯具
Super large art lamp
To interpret light in a connotative and perceptual way, we focus on learning from the application experience of light, exploring the scenes in architectural space that can be expressed by light and the rational use of light in the space environment, and studying the special significance of light, so that it can express some ideas of people.
+ HI-FI视听室 I 声学演示厅
HI-FI Room I Acoustic Demonstration Hall
+ 家庭影院 I 主题会场影音系统
Home Theater I Theme Venue AV System
+ 娱乐空间声学规划
Acoustic planning of entertainment space
Through space design and acoustic scheme optimization, and extraction of computer simulated sound field data, and long-term cooperation with many acoustic and equipment manufacturers, create comfortable and professional hearing experience for each environment.
+ 全方案饰品配套
Full scheme accessories
+ 卫浴五金件设计
Design of bathroom hardware
+ 艺品采购及定制
Art procurement and customization
+ 古法工艺品及家具
Ancient crafts and furniture
+ 道具及场景定制件
Customized props and scenes
The traditional structural form is redesigned and combined to appear as another symbol, and on this basis, more natural materials are used to integrate into the space expression language in a naturalistic, simple and ever-changing manner.
+ 建筑外观设计
Building exterior
+ 铝通及玻璃幕墙
Aluminum tube and glass curtain wall
+ 民用与工业建筑整案规划
Civil and industrial building planning
+ 轻质钢结构搭建
Lightweight steel structure construction
+ 历史建筑翻新
Renovation of historical buildings
He is good at depicting structures from a concise aesthetic perspective, embracing the aesthetic consciousness of modern ecological culture, transcending architectural individuality, integrating with nature, expressing inherent potential with restraint and balance, and deconstructing the connotation of architecture.